Sometimes I forget how big this city is until everyone comes out for events like Halloween. Or maybe this city really isn't that big, we are all just confined to one small area. Whatever it is small spaces + big population all trying to achieve the same thing = chaos. I have never seen anything like Hallloween here in Honolulu. We started off in Chinatown as word on the street was that was the place to be. Plus, it is only three blocks from our apartment so we walked there. They had the streets blocked off, five stages of music, endless beer gardens and of course all of the bars packed with people as well. Our goal was to eventually make it down to Waikiki however cabs were not even driving there due to
I ended up recycling one of my burlesque costumes and went as a pirate. (No, a sexy pirate in effort to keep up with Shan.) Nic went as a Greek god. It was something we threw together at the last minute and of course he looked awesome. Three of our friends met us at our apartment where we all got ready together and got our prefunk on. Leena went as a 50's housewife, Liz went as a flapper and Olga was a glamour girl. We finally called it a night at about 2 am and stumbled back to our place. Sunday morning was a little rough.
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